Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Animation Mentor starts! + Andrew Stanton interview

Class One- Basic Foundations started yesterday at Animation Mentor! Yay! As soon as I logged onto the student campus site I discovered I had a warm welcome message from my mentor, Paul Allen, as well as some notes from my Facebook AM friends on my workspace. (Thanks guys!) It has only been a day, yet already I am amazed by the talent that exists in my class and throughout the rest of campus. We're all going to learn so much from each other, and I am stoked to the max! Everyone's been telling me that this experience will be the best ride of my life, and I definitely believe it!

In his welcome message, Paul included a link to an interview that Pixar filmmaker Andrew Stanton gave regarding the making of Wall-E and Finding Nemo. I love hearing all the juicy details of what goes on behind the scenes of a movie!

Here is a link to Andrew Stanton's interview:


  1. Love the Blog title, and style. I'll be checking here often.

  2. I'm having soo much fun already an learning so much ! :) awesome ! :)
